Below you can find an overview of the RMA curriculum per year for students starting in or after 2016-2017.1
For the slides from the RMA Philosophy Master's Day on October 4, 2017, follow this link:
Master's Information Evening Presentation October 4, 2017
All courses (including the Research Colloquium) are 5 EC, with the thesis, some of the electives and the optional semester of study abroad as the only exceptions.
You can click on the names of the courses for more information.
As you can see there are three main components to the program:2
Dark grey is the core curriculum (60 EC total), which is composed of the following required elements:
- The 3 Core Readings (15 EC total)
- The Research Colloquium of both years (10 EC total)
- The Research Methods and Design course (5 EC)
- The thesis (30 EC)
Light grey are restricted choice elements (25 EC) . You must complete:
- At least 4 Topics Seminars (20 EC total)3
- At least 5 EC of Interdisciplinary Research Area courses4
The green remaining 35 EC can be most freely filled in with:
- At least 2 tutorials (10 EC total)
- 10 EC of Research School Seminars
- Extra Topics Seminars (which can be counted toward the Research School requirement)
- Internships
- Electives